He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal 他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。
The southern portion of the country is taken up by the Gobi Desert, while the northern and western portions are mountainous. 该国南部是戈壁大沙漠,北部和西部都是高山。
As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of the Gobi Desert await. 火车经过河西走廊时,一眼望去尽是无穷无尽的戈壁沙漠尽收眼底。
The fragile environment of gobi desert was destroyed because of mining work. 采矿在不同程度上破坏了戈壁滩原本脆弱的生态环境。
The Effect of Environment of Gobi Desert on the Body and Nursing Skills of Nurse Staff and Countermeasures 戈壁沙漠环境对护理人员机体及护理操作技术的影响与对策
The controller at the Jiuquan satellite launch center in northern China's Gobi desert announced the lift-off. 位于中国北部戈壁沙漠的九泉卫星发射中心的指挥官宣布了发射。
Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. 奇怪的是,苏联科学家已经发现了他们所称的“用于宇宙航行的古老器械”,在土耳其和戈壁沙漠的洞穴里。
Dark gray line of sight was filled with the Gobi Desert, coarse sand with gravel scattered like gravel. 视线里弥漫着灰黑色的戈壁滩,粗糙的沙滩散落着碎石般的沙砾。
For a slower-paced adventure, ride a camel through the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. 如果是为了悠闲缓慢的探险游,乘骑骆驼穿越蒙古的戈壁滩是最好不过的了。
The Gobi desert in Mongolia in Asia is an example of such an inland desert. 亚洲蒙古的戈壁沙漠就是一个内陆沙漠的例子。
Qaidam Basin, located in the provincial Northwest, most of the Gobi Desert and over the eastern marshes, Salt Lake, the terrain is typical of the highest plateau inland basins. 柴达木盆地位于创省西北部,大部分为戈壁、沙漠,东部多沼泽、盐湖,是我国地势最高的典型的内陆高原盆。
The journey along The Silk Road takes us through rugged, near-impassable mountains and then out into the vastness at the edge of the Gobi desert. 之后我们穿越丝绸之路上崎岖不平甚至是几乎不可能通过的雪山,来到了广阔的戈壁沙漠的边缘。
In the vast expanses of the Gobi desert, the straight highway never ends. 茫茫的戈壁映入眼帘,与天相接与地同广。
Energy-efficient air conditioning systems have been installed for those days when the Gobi desert blows sandstorms into the city. 奥运村里安装了节能空调系统,以备戈壁风沙吹袭北京的时候使用。
In 2001, she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east, the longest route, through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. 二00一年,她和比尔徒步由西向东穿越蒙古戈壁沙漠这条最长的路线。
The unmanned Tiangong-1 will blast off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert in Northwest China. 天宫一号发射地点是在中国西北部戈壁沙漠中的酒泉卫星发射基地,没有载人任务。
Investigation on Animal Plague Natural Focus in Gobi Desert in Urumqi 乌鲁木齐戈壁荒漠动物鼠疫自然疫源地调查
Gobi desert terrain is a district that the resource potentiality is high, exploration degree is low and difficulty of exploration is heavy. 荒漠戈壁区是一个资源潜力大、勘查程度低且勘查难度大的地区,其间蕴藏大量的矿产资源使其成为当今勘查活动的焦点。
Boundless and indistinct Gobi desert, I you deep limpid sweet spring water that in the heart of hearts; 茫茫戈壁,我是你内心深处那一泓清澈的甘泉;
Showing his courage and tenacity in1887, he crossed the Gobi desert from Peking and entered India by crossing Mustagh pass. 1887年,他显示了他的勇气和固执,从北京出发穿越了戈壁沙漠,从马兹他山口进入印度。
In China Road, rob Gifford gets another part of the answer from a man on a bus across the Gobi desert. 在《中国之路》中,罗布吉福德从一个乘大巴穿越戈壁滩的男子口中得到了另一部分答案。
Overall objectives of our planning and design are to create an oasis in the Gobi Desert, to build a public park in the city, and to establish a typical model for urban development. 规划设计力求达到在戈壁上营造一片绿洲、在城市中建造一个市民的乐园、并成为城市发展过程的典型标记的总体目标。
Rio, which has provided all the capital and technology to turn this barren strip of the Gobi desert into a working mine, remains the most obvious buyer. 在将这片贫瘠的戈壁沙漠变成可作业的铜矿的过程中,力拓提供了全部的资金和技术,目前仍是最显而易见的买家。
The only connection it has with China is perhaps Gobi desert! 它和中国独一的联系大要就是沙漠戈壁了!
A perimeter of the Gobi desert, Tibetan Plateau, Himalayas, and Pacific Ocean surrounds the heartland of China like a geographical great wall. 一个海洋周边的戈壁沙漠,青藏高原,喜马拉雅山脉,和太平洋环墙的中心地带的中国就像一个大的地域。
These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the1920s. 这些蛋是一群科学家于20世纪20年代在戈壁滩里发现的。
Part of the Gobi Desert is located in Gansu. 戈壁滩的一部分在甘肃省境内。
This is situated on the edge of the Gobi desert. 这个部落位于戈壁滩边缘。
The documentary was made on location in the Gobi desert. 这部纪录片是在戈壁滩现场拍的。
Saline cistanche, always named "ginseng in desert", is a parasitic crude drug with herb in desert and rare plant mainly growing on barren salt lick, dry river valley or Gobi desert in Xinjiang and siberia, Russia under national key protection list. 素有“沙漠人参”之称的肉苁蓉是沙漠草本植物寄生药材,是国家重点保护的稀有植物,主要生长在新疆和俄罗斯的西伯利亚等地区寸草不生的盐碱地、河沟或戈壁滩上。